At St. Begh’s Catholic Junior School, we understand the importance of a well-rounded, fulfilling curriculum to prepare our pupils for the next stage of education, and for their future as citizens of the UK.
Our Curriculum Statement describes how we deliver our curriculum in key subjects, including Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education.
We aim to provide a lively and engaging curriculum using a topic approach that excites our children and helps them to be endlessly curious about our amazing world.
Citizens of the UK should:
At St. Begh’s we view these ‘fundamental British values’ as being human and universal values and being at one with our Christian values of Faith, Respect, Responsibility, Self-control, Honesty and Integrity, Kindness and Compassion, Thankfulness, Patience and Perseverance, Peace and Humility, Loyalty and Commitment. We are aware that we have a duty to help prevent any of our pupils from being radicalised in any extreme beliefs and believe that our curriculum successfully prepares our pupils for life in modern Britain.
At St. Begh’s Catholic Junior School, we promote ‘fundamental British values’ throughout our curriculum and in particular through our PSHCE programme, RE curriculum and prayer and liturgy.
Examples of how each year group promotes these values and prepares our pupils for life in modern Britain, can be seen in the curriculum plans published on our website.
Please also see our Prevent Statement.