Wraparound Care & After- School Clubs



Wraparound care is available from 7:30-8:45am (8:45-9:00am being covered at no cost to families) and 3:20-5:30pm. Morning provision is based in the school hall where breakfast will be served. Children enter through the bottom gate from Coach Road. Evening provision is based in school (in Candlestick – the room at the very back of the building) and includes snack. Children are collected from Candlestick door.

Breakfast Club: 

  • Regular activity areas to include cosy corner; Lego; construction; board games; chess; arts and crafts; outdoor sports and activity (weather permitting).
  • Toast, bagels, cereal and juice available every day.

After-school Care: 

  • Children will have the choice of an after-school activity running until 4:30pm. See below for this term's offer. There is additional care for those that need until 5:30pm. (Separate supervision and activities for those who don’t want to join that night’s club.)
  • Snack and drink.

This Term's After-School Clubs:

Monday: Snuggle, snack & story with Miss Langton.

Tuesday: Choir with Steve Falcon.

Wednesday: Orienteering with Mr. Byrne & Miss Skelly.

Thursday: Christmas Arts & Crafts with Miss McCarron & Mrs. Siddle.


Use the School Gateway app for bookings.