Prayer & Liturgy
Jesus is at the heart of our school. Our ethos and values come directly from the Gospel and we see Jesus as the first and greatest teacher. The quality of our school’s prayer and liturgy gives honour to God and forms the spiritual and ethical life of all members of the school community.
We believe that prayer and liturgy aims to provide opportunity for all pupils and staff:
The week begins with whole school prayer and liturgy. A weekly mantra is shared and followed up in each class and around the school for the remainder of the week.
Daily prayers are celebrated in classes throughout the rest of the week. Pupils are supported to plan and deliver their own liturgy on one day a week.
Helping children to pray, to learn traditional prayers, explore different styles of prayer and enable children to write their own prayers are all important parts of R.E.
We all attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and at special times of the year. These Masses are a wonderful opportunity for the School and Parish community to worship together. Mass is celebrated either in St. Begh’s Church or at Quay Street Church (The Chapel of St. Gregory & St. Patrick). Pupils have the opportunity to visit both churches and join Parish Masses.
Classes take turns to go to a daily Mass at Quay Street Chapel. They are warmly welcomed by the regular parishioners. We have really enjoyed finding out about the history of the Chapel from the parishioners, especially those who remember attending school on the same site.
Prayer & Liturgy
Jesus is at the heart of our school. Our ethos and values come directly from the Gospel and we see Jesus as the first and greatest teacher. The quality of our school’s prayer and liturgy gives honour to God and forms the spiritual and ethical life of all members of the school community.
We believe that prayer and liturgy aims to provide opportunity for all pupils and staff:
The week begins with whole school prayer and liturgy. A weekly mantra is shared and followed up in each class and around the school for the remainder of the week.
Daily prayers are celebrated in classes throughout the rest of the week. Pupils are supported to plan and deliver their own liturgy on one day a week.
Helping children to pray, to learn traditional prayers, explore different styles of prayer and enable children to write their own prayers are all important parts of R.E.
We all attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and at special times of the year. These Masses are a wonderful opportunity for the School and Parish community to worship together. Mass is celebrated either in St. Begh’s Church or at Quay Street Church (The Chapel of St. Gregory & St. Patrick). Pupils have the opportunity to visit both churches and join Parish Masses.
Classes take turns to go to a daily Mass at Quay Street Chapel. They are warmly welcomed by the regular parishioners. We have really enjoyed finding out about the history of the Chapel from the parishioners, especially those who remember attending school on the same site.