The school day starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:20pm. (School Day = 31 hours and 40 minutes.)
We ask all children to aim to be at School for 8:55am to avoid lateness. Any children arriving after 9:00am receive a late mark.
We have a breakfast club that runs from 7:30am in the School Hall.
For children not attending the breakfast club, gates open at 8:30am. There is a small area cordoned off at the end of the playground for waiting at this time to keep the roadside clear.
Breakfast Club
This can be booked using the School Gateway app.
Whole School Prayer & Liturgy takes place on a Monday afternoons at 2:45pm.
We have a well-being assembly on Friday afternoons at 2:30pm or 2:45pm.
Morning sessions are usually devoted to maths and English lessons. In Lower School (Years 3 & 4), the morning sessions run from 9:00-10:30am and 10:45-12:00 and in Upper School, 9:00-10:45am and 11:00-12:15. The afternoon session runs from 12:45-3:20pm for Years 3 & 4 and 1:00-3:20pm for Years 5 & 6.
If a child is unable to come to School due to ill-health, we ask that the School Office is informed before 9:30am on the first day of absence.
A child should not return to school within 48 hours of a vomiting or diarrhoea episode that is the result of a bug.
Our school colours are pale blue and burgundy. Boys and girls wear pale blue polo shirts, burgundy sweatshirts and grey trousers. Girls can wear grey skirts or pinafore dresses and burgundy cardigans. In summer they can choose a red checked gingham summer school dress. Black school shoes or boots. Trainers that are all black in appearance are acceptable. No jewellery is permitted apart from watches and small ear studs. (No make-up including nail varnish or false nails.)
PE kit is a black t-shirt and red shorts with trainers or pumps. Children are asked to come to School in their PE kits on their PE day. Black/grey joggers and school cardigans/jumpers are worn over the PE kit in the colder weather (i.e. most of the year)!
All uniform can be purchased from Haig Embroidery,Unit A19 Haig Enterprise Park, Whitehaven, CA28 9AN. Tel: 01946 328036. Email:
Link to Uniform Policye for a link to their order form.
Should there ever be a need to close school, for example, in the case of bad weather, parents and carers will be informed as soon as possible via Class Dojo, email, text message. The information will also be given to local radio stations and the Local Authority informed. Arrangements for remote education will be made. (See Remote Education Plan.)
All children need a water bottle (with their name on) in school. This can be filled in school from our water coolers. Please encourage your child/children to remember to bring their bottles home each day for a thorough wash. Bottles are available to buy from the School Office for £1. Flavoured water is permitted if necessary, however pure water is strongly encouraged.
Fruit (or vegetable!) snacks only please. Fruit and milk is available at playtimes.
We are a nut-free school. Please read all packaging carefully when preparing packed lunches. Our School Cook is happy to talk to anyone if they have concerns about allergies or any other dietary requirements.
This is £2.70 a day, working out at £13.50 per week. Meals are pre-ordered using the School Gateway app. Children can order one-off dinners from the menu whilst having packed lunches other days. Please make payment through the app.
If you are ever unsure about whether your child is eligible for free school meals, please ask for advice at the School Office. You will be aware that a successful application for free school meals brings additional funding into School that can be used to support your child in many ways. (See menu below.)
We are here to help. A problem shared (especially early on) can be more easily solved. Classteachers are available before and after school each day, either on the end of the phone or face-to-face. Please ask at the School Office. Appointments can be made to speak to the Headteacher at the School Office too. Phone calls and emails are also welcome (emails can be sent via this website - please see the contact form under the 'Welcome & Contact Details' tab).
A comprehensive weekly newsletter comes out on a Friday via email. You can subscribe for an electronic copy on our welcome page.
Any letters you may have missed will be on the letters page.