Our Weekly Mantra: 

Jesus wants His words and actions to change our hearts and minds.



Our Mission Statement

       Walking hand in hand in the footsteps of Christ.

We are His hands; we are His feet.


A Mission Statement should be reflected in our actions as we live out our daily lives. We believe that this truly happens at St. Begh's. 

The inspiration for our Mission Statement came from the prayer of St. Teresa of Avila:

Christ has no body now on earth but yours,

no hands but yours,

no feet but yours,

Yours are the eyes through which Christ sees the world and sees who needs help;

Yours are the feet with which he goes about doing good;

Yours are the hands he uses to bless everyone now.


Abbot Brendan visited school and joined us for Prayer and Liturgy
St. Begh's children attending the Festival of Mary at St. Mary's Church, Cleator
The Festival of Mary at St. Begh's Church